A Dozen Disgruntled Wishes: The Toys I Most Wanted But Never Received

Alright, I admit it––I had a frickin’ fantastic childhood in every aspect of it. I had a great dad, wonderful siblings, and an extended family that never made any moment lackluster. And growing up with by far thebest toys ever made certainly helped, and I was never at a lack for toys. Sure, while there were countless times I’d receive a Galaxy Warriors or Galaxy Fighters (bootlegception!) action figure instead of a legit Masters of the Universe one, for the most part, I had all the action figures, vehicles, play sets, and video games that I could possibly want during the 1980s and ‘90s.

Well, almost all of them.

During the holidays and especially on my birthday, I always look back on my memories and reminisce about all the cool toys I owned, but I also can’t help but think about the few toys that I really, really wanted but never received from Dad, distant relatives, or Santa Claus. So I present to you––in no particular order except perhaps coolness––twelve toys I never received (and still think about from time to time ‘cause they’re so damn cool) in all their glory.

Read the full article over at Retrofied Magazine!

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